Golf has never been more affordable and today former Seve Trophy venue The Heritage in Killenard, Co. Laois announced details of their memb...
Golf has never been more affordable and today former Seve Trophy venue The Heritage in Killenard, Co. Laois announced details of their membership rates for 2011. Options range from 7 and 5 day memberships to Family and Junior schemes. Most eye catching is the 5 day membership at an incredible €884 if taken up before the end of January. Full details of the Heritage 2011 Membership Rates are available by clicking read more below or on the picture. Contact Niall Carroll in The Heritage at 057-8642326 for more and log on
The Heritage 2011 Membership Rates
Full Membership
There are now 4 new classes of Membership available at The Heritage Golf & Spa Resort, 7 Day Membership, 5 Day Membership, family membership and junior membership. All new Members to be nominated and approved by the directors.
7 Day Membership
Members in this category will have the same playing rights and Club privileges as existing members:
Features & Benefits
- GUI / ILGU Handicap
- Entry into all Club Competitions
- Participation in Club Matchplay events
- Eligible for inclusion on Inter-Club teams
- Participate in Captains & Lady Captains prize
- Introduce guests at members green fee rates
- Full voting rights
- The right to sit or attend committee meetings
- Right of access to play golf on the Leix Course
- Right of access to all Golf Practice Facilities
- Right of access and use of the Walking Track
5 Day Membership
Members in this category will have full playing rights on Monday to Friday on the basis of the following exclusions:
- Midweek - Monday to Friday
- GUI / ILGU Handicap
- Entry into all midweek Competitions
- Participation in Midweek Club Matchplay events
- Eligible for inclusion on Inter-Club teams
- Not eligible to participate in Captains & Lady Captains prize
- Not eligible to participate in monthly medals
- Not eligible to participate in weekend competitions other than invitations or exceptions to the norm
- Introduce guests at Midweek members green fee rates
Family Membership
There is a new category of membership called family membership now in operation. This new category is available to families interested in pursuing the opportunity of family involvement through our discount scheme. A family
member in this instance is defined as an immediate relation, i.e. husband/wife/partner/son/daughter. It is based on the premise that each potential applicant from within the family is an adult above eighteen years of age. The rate of discount applied to our annual subscription ranges from 33% for the second applicant to 50% for each additional family member there after.
Features & Benefits
- GUI / ILGU Handicap
- Entry into all Club Competitions
- Participation in Club Matchplay events
- Eligible for inclusion on Inter-Club teams
- Participate in Captains & Lady Captains prize
- Introduce guests at members green fee rates
- Full voting rights
- The right to sit or attend committee meetings
- Right of access to play golf on the Leix Course
- Right of access to all Golf Practice Facilities
- Right of access and use of the Walking Track
- Preferential discounts for further family members to join the club
Junior Membership ‘Seve Club’
A member may introduce related or non related junior/student nominees at €250 per applicant and subject availability within this category. The age profile of ‘Seve Club’ members will be twelve through eighteen years of age. It is envisaged the junior section will be developed in tandem with the existing membership through the appointment of a nominated Junior Convenor. The club will compete in local and national GUI & ILGU events.
The annual subscriptions relating to memberships are listed below and reflect the current fees charged to our existing members. New members also incur annual charges in the maintenance of GUI and ILGU subscriptions. The Directors maintain discretion in determining the annual subscriptions for all membership categories and their respective sub-classes.
Future discounts associated with prompt payment of subscriptions within a predefined term and other discount schemes where applicable will be offered to all membership categories and sub-classes as determined by the Directors.
Annual Subscriptions
7 Day Full Membership
Subscription 1,211.45
VAT 13.5% 163.55
GUI Subscription 19.00
ILGU Subscription 25.00
1,394.00 1,400.00
5 Day Membership
Subscription 865.32
VAT 13.5% 116.82
GUI Subscription 19.00
ILGU Subscription 25.00
1,001.14 1,007.14
Membership Categories Fee € Less 10% Less 5%
Payment Received Jan 31st Feb 28th
5.1 Member 1,375 1,237.50 1,306.25
5.2 Five Day Member 982 883.80 932.90
5.3 Family Membership* Example
5.3.1 First Family 1,375 1237.50 1,306.25
5.3.2. Second Family 921 828.90 874.95
5.3.3 Additional Family 687 618.30 652.65
5.4 Corporate Member 994 894.60 944.30
5.5 Junior Member 250 225.00 237.50
New Membership subscriptions will be charged as a proportion of the annual total amount due determined by month of entry within the current calendar year until further notice.
Loyalty Scheme
1 Members who introduce new applicants or refer new business to the club will receive a ten percent rebate credited to their club account to offset future expenditure within the current year. The scheme is based on new applicants paying a full subscription with the exception of junior membership. This incentive does not apply to individual family members subscriptions nominated by an existing member of the club.
2 Members who introduce or stage a golf event within excess of forty eight players will also receive a ten percent rebate credited to their club account. This percentage rebate is based only on the green fee element of the event. Rebates may be used to
offset food and beverage or other golf services provided by the club. All rebates must be expended on local services within the calendar year
3 Members who pay their annual subscriptions by January 31st will receive six complimentary green fee vouchers. These vouchers are subject to tee time availability and must be used within the current calendar year.
4 Our member and invited guest green fee rate is now available all year round at €30 per guest.